
N.B.: Ce webinaire se déroulera en anglais.

This presentation will outline how a BScN Program changed their curriculum to introduce mental health as a core skill of a nursing curriculum, versus a speciality area. Mental health and illness can be seen in any area of nursing, not just acute psychiatry. Sarah Stevens, a Registered Nurse with a mental health clinical background has participated in the development and implementation of this revised curriculum. She will be sharing practical information regarding how the curriculum was created, challenges, and hopes for the future. Two second year nursing students will be joining the presentation to share their experiences of the curriculum. 


Sarah Stevens, RN, is Clinical Instructor at the University of British Columbia Okanagan School of Nursing. Her clinical background is in acute psychiatry, mental health emergency services (Emergency Room mental health consults), Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Nurse, and Early Psychosis Intervention case management. Her scholarship activities include: Mental health and intentional learning. 


Dr. Kristen Jones-Bonofiglio, PhD, RN, is Assistant Professor at Lakehead University School of Nursing and Director of the Centre for Health Care Ethics. Her scholarship activities are diverse and include: mental health, resilience, and well-being; moral distress and moral injury; ethics; simulation; and palliative/end-of-life care. She is currently holds an Associated Medical Services (AMS) fellowship award, studying self-compassion in nursing.

Mental Health Interest Group Webinar: Integrating a Mental Wellness Curriculum into the 2nd Year of a BScN Program

  • jeudi le 07 décembre, 2017 de 14h00 à 15h00