
Titre: Les pratiques exemplaires pour la formation en ligne et l’apprentissage à distance


Le Dr Garrett examinera ce qui fait qu'une expérience d'apprentissage en ligne est efficace. Il examinera les plans de cours, la conception de cours, les plateformes contemporaines et médiatiques, les modes de prestation asynchrone et synchrone, l'utilisation des médias sociaux, les questions de confidentialité et de protection des renseignements personnels, l'évaluation, et le comportement scolaire positif dans le cadre de prestations en ligne.


Bernie Garrett, directeur associé, Infrastructure and Technology, School of Nursing, University of British Columbia


Biographie (disponible en anglais seulement) :

Bernie Garrett is Associate Director of Technology & Infrastructure at the University of British Columbia, School of Nursing. He worked as a renal clinical nurse specialist for 15 years before becoming a nurse educator. He holds a PhD in information Science, specializing in education, multimedia and artificial intelligence. He taught in one of the first ever online courses with the Open University in the UK in 2000, and undertook and authored early work exploring the use of online multimedia, learning management systems, mobile ePortfolios and simulation. His work is underpinned by a passion for science and technology, and frequently writes on these subjects. He was the recipient of the 2007 at the Spencer Award for Information Technology Innovation, for his work on developing a mobile PDA-based ePortfolio for students, and the CRNBC Award of Excellence in Nursing Education in 2000. He was the Elizabeth Kenny-McCann Nursing Education Scholar at UBC between 2013-2014, and the CASN Pat Griffin Nursing Education Scholar between 2014-15. He is also an Inaugural Fellow of the Canadian Nurse Educator Institute.


Netha Dyck, doyenne, College of Nursing, University of Manitoba


Vendredi 30 octobre 2020

De midi à 13h, HNP


Thème du dîner-conférence : La formation infirmière pendant la COVID-19 - Les pratiques exemplaires pour la formation en ligne et l’apprentissage à distance

  • vendredi le 30 octobre, 2020 de 12h00 à 13h00
  • Online