
Title: Mental Disorders Symptoms Among Nurses in Canada Pre-COVID: Implications for the Future

Description: Present results of an online Pan-Canadian Survey of Nurses’ Operational Stress Injuries conducted in 2019 which details the prevalence and root causes of nurses mental disorder symptoms as well as help-seeking behaviour amongst nurses. Consider the implications of these results for Canada’s health system in light of the impact of COVID-19 on nurses’ mental health.

Presenter and biography:

Linda Silas, President, Canadian Federation of Nurses’ Unions (CFNU)

Linda Silas has been the President of the 200,000-strong Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) since 2003. As the dynamic and charismatic leader of Canada’s largest nurses’ organization, Linda is recognized as the foremost advocate on behalf of nurses in Canada.

Starting her tenure as a full-time labour activist as the single mom of a 13-month-old son has shaped Linda in a very distinctive way. Linda has earned a reputation for being a caring listener who is focused and solution-oriented in everything she does. A proud New Brunswicker, Linda credits her home province for both her impressive work ethic and her well-known zest for life and adventure.

Linda has fine-tuned her skills as a union leader at the local, provincial, national and international levels over the course of two decades. She is a passionate speaker whose straight-talking in both official languages inspires nurses and 

earns the respect of policy-makers and stakeholders. Linda’s favourite public speaking engagements are always for students, as she believes that mentoring the next generation of activists is an important responsibility we all share.

Linda champions greater understanding and action on social justice, the social determinants of health and key policies that will enhance socio-economic equity, such as retirement security for all workers, a national pharmacare program, universal child care and greater access to public services for Indigenous communities. 

Linda was previously the President of the New Brunswick Nurses Union (NBNU) for 10 years. Linda is a graduate of l’Université de Moncton, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and has practiced in the ICU, emergency, and labour and delivery.

Linda believes health care, like education and decent work, is a human right. She embodies the CFNU motto “Where knowledge meets know-how.”


Judeline Innocent, Executive Dean, School of Health and Community Services, Durham College; Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ontario Tech University 

Dates: Tues Feb 16, 2021, 12 – 1 pm EST 

Ticket Price: FREE

Lunch & Learn Theme: Nursing Education during COVID-19 -Mental health and resiliency

  • Tuesday Feb 16 2021, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Online