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{FIRST_NAME} | Adds the recipients First Name. | Use |
{LAST_NAME} | Adds the recipients Last Name. | Use |
{COMPANY_NAME} | Adds the Company Name. | Use |
{PORTAL_NAME} | Adds the application portals name. | Use |
{MEMBER_NAME} | Adds the Recipients Membership name. | Use |
{SIGNATURE_OPT_IN} | Adds the Opt-in link. | Use |
{SIGNATURE_OPT_OUT} | Add the opt-out link. | Use |
%signature% | Adds your preferred signature block. | Use |
{Event_Start_Date} | Adds the Event's Start Date.(Events Only) | Use |
{Event_End_Date} | Adds the Event's End Date.(Events Only) | Use |
{Event_Name} | Adds the Event's Name.(Events Only) | Use |
{Event_Description} | Adds the Event's Description.(Events Only) | Use |
{Online_Training_Description} | Adds the Online Training Description.(Online Training Only) | Use |
{Event_Specific_Dates} | Adds the Event's specific dates.(Events Only) | Use |
{member_number} | Adds the Membership Number. | Use |
{MemberSince} | Adds the Member Since Date. | Use |
{CONTACTEMAIL} | Adds the Contact's Email Address. | Use |
{CERTIFICATE_NUMBER} | Adds the Contact's Certificate Number | Use |
{EVENTLOCATION} | Adds the Event's Location. | Use |
{TOTALEVENTCREDITS} | The total number of credits that the contact has earned through the event tickets and workshops. | Use |
{ASAPPEARSONBADGE} | Display the text of as appears field in the event setup. | Use |
{contact_organization} | Displays the organization name of the contact. | Use |
{RENEWALDATE} | Adds the Member Renewal Date in (yyyy-mm-dd). | Use |
{MEMBERSHIP_YEAR} | Adds the Member's Membership Year | Use |
{RENEWALDATE_MM-DD-YYYY} | Adds the Member Renewal Date in (mm-dd-yyyy). | Use |
{LMS_CREDIT} | The number of credits the LMS course is worth for Continuing Education | Use |
{COLLECTION_PERIOD_END-DATE_YYYY_MM_DD} | The end date of the CE collection period end date | Use |
{LMS_COURSE_COMPLETION_DATE} | The completion date of the LMS course | Use |
{INCEPTION_DATE} | Adds the Member Inception Date in (yyyy-mm-dd). | Use |
{EVENT_END-DATE_MONTH_YYYY} | Adds Event End Date in Full Month Name and Year Format.(Events Only) | Use |
{EVENT_END-DATE_MONTH_YYYY_ADD3} | Adds Event End Date in Full Month Name and Year Format Plus 3 Years.(Events Only) | Use |
{WORKSHOP_NAME} | Adds the workshop name (if applicable) | Use |
{WORKSHOP_DESCRIPTION} | Adds the workshop description (if applicable) | Use |
© 2025 Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières
The mission statement of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) is to lead nursing education and nursing scholarship in the interest of healthier Canadians. CASN is a non-profit corporation, and does not engage in commercial activities generally, let alone commercial use of its information.
For the above reasons, it is the Association’s understanding that its information is not “personal information” as foreseen in the privacy act legislation. CASN has nonetheless adopted a formal privacy policy, for the following reasons. First, there are occasional instances of information which might exceptionally be considered personal. Furthermore, CASN supports responsible governance, and has drafted the following privacy policy in that light.
As part of its programs and services, CASN collects data to support nursing education and nursing scholarship for the purposes of planning, administrating, forecasting and reporting.
Data collection may include student levels, faculty levels, educational offerings, curriculum content, areas of research expertise and international linkages. Contact information and curriculum vitae for deans, directors, faculty and researchers may be collected from time to time for specific projects.
All data are collected on a volunteer basis via school administrators or their designate. Data are aggregated to the level of programs and schools. Only researcher information is identifiable at the individual level; however, this information is also submitted voluntarily.
Data collected on nursing education and nursing scholarship are public and included in project reports, fact sheets, newsletters and web-surveys. Any fees charged by CASN for reports, are on a cost-recovery basis.
Any personal information collected from individuals as “raw data” or as part of CASN employee files is held within CASN in confidential files with access restricted to the respective National Office staff. The following are specific examples.
The following are the specific types of information assembled and used by CASN:
A. Contact information for member institutions. This is used for communications only.
B. Directory (contact information) of members of the CASN Board of Directors and Board of Accreditation(including the latter’s “pool” of prospective accreditation reviewers), CASN committees, and other individuals who represent CASN on special purpose bodies and assignments.
C. Information on the credentials of persons in category (B). This is obtained to help explain the qualifications of these individuals for their respective positions in CASN. It is henceforth CASN’s policy to obtain the consent of the candidates for such positions, for that purpose. This information is not retained after these individuals have left office.
D. Information on research projects in the field of nursing, being conducted by researchers. This often includes the amount and source of the research grants involved. This is disseminated for mutual support, to reduce the risk of duplication, and to assist the cause of research grantsmanship generally. This information is collected from institutions, and it is the latter who take responsibility for obtaining whatever consents are necessary from the researchers involved. After approximately five years, this information is archived, but may be accessed to track patterns of historical evolution in research.
E. Information on research interests of the individuals associated with CASN, The listing of individuals with similar interests facilitates networking. It is CASN’s policy to obtain the consent of the individuals involved for that purpose. The information about a given individual’s research interests is not retained after that individual has ceased to be associated with CASN or has otherwise indicated that he/she is no longer interested in networking for that purpose.
F. Surveys of remuneration for nursing program Deans/Directors: CASN conducts these periodic surveys, with the written consent of the participants. Information is aggregated to protect the anonymity of the participants. After approximately five years, this information is archived, but may be accessed to track patterns of historical evolution while retaining anonymity.
G. Surveys of opinions of researchers and other opinion-leaders concerning nursing research in Canada. CASN conducts these periodic surveys, with the written consent of the participants. Completed surveys themselves are sent to a private consultant and the results do not reveal individual responses, and the researcher is contractually bound to destroy the evidence linking individuals with a given opinion, once the latter has been aggregated.
H. Conference and meeting registrations (contact information for attendees). This is used exclusively to assist check-in, unless participants also indicate (in writing) their interest in networking under (E) above.
I. Sales records contact and purchase information for those who have ordered products (e.g. publications) from CASN. This does not, however, include credit card information/records, as CASN does not accept credit card payment. It is retained for seven years in case it is needed for e.g. tax purposes.
J. Awards information, including testimonials and descriptions of qualifications: this information is used only for the purposes of the awards in question. Authorization for the use of same must be signed by the nominee. The names of certain individuals connected with the entrant may be contained in the entry forms themselves. This information is not retained after the issue of the award.
K. Minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors are available to the members. Members of the Board of Directors consent to having their statements/opinions disseminated in this way, when they join the Board.
L. The CASN office has personnel information concerning its own employees. This information is used exclusively for staffing/personnel purposes. It is retained for seven years in case it is needed for e.g., tax purposes.
CASN does not sell its list of institutional members to third parties. It does not share its list of institutional members with third parties, under the terms of the CASN Policy on Distribution of CASN Member School Contact Information, except on a one-time emergency basis as defined in that policy.
The mission statement of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) is to lead nursing education and nursing scholarship in the interest of healthier Canadians. CASN is a non-profit corporation, and does not engage in commercial activities generally, let alone commercial use of its information.
For the above reasons, it is the Association’s understanding that its information is not “personal information” as foreseen in the privacy act legislation. CASN has nonetheless adopted a formal privacy policy, for the following reasons. First, there are occasional instances of information which might exceptionally be considered personal. Furthermore, CASN supports responsible governance, and has drafted the following privacy policy in that light.
As part of its programs and services, CASN collects data to support nursing education and nursing scholarship for the purposes of planning, administrating, forecasting and reporting.
Data collection may include student levels, faculty levels, educational offerings, curriculum content, areas of research expertise and international linkages. Contact information and curriculum vitae for deans, directors, faculty and researchers may be collected from time to time for specific projects.
All data are collected on a volunteer basis via school administrators or their designate. Data are aggregated to the level of programs and schools. Only researcher information is identifiable at the individual level; however, this information is also submitted voluntarily.
Data collected on nursing education and nursing scholarship are public and included in project reports, fact sheets, newsletters and web-surveys. Any fees charged by CASN for reports, are on a cost-recovery basis.
Any personal information collected from individuals as “raw data” or as part of CASN employee files is held within CASN in confidential files with access restricted to the respective National Office staff. The following are specific examples.
The following are the specific types of information assembled and used by CASN:
A. Contact information for member institutions. This is used for communications only.
B. Directory (contact information) of members of the CASN Board of Directors and Board of Accreditation(including the latter’s “pool” of prospective accreditation reviewers), CASN committees, and other individuals who represent CASN on special purpose bodies and assignments.
C. Information on the credentials of persons in category (B). This is obtained to help explain the qualifications of these individuals for their respective positions in CASN. It is henceforth CASN’s policy to obtain the consent of the candidates for such positions, for that purpose. This information is not retained after these individuals have left office.
D. Information on research projects in the field of nursing, being conducted by researchers. This often includes the amount and source of the research grants involved. This is disseminated for mutual support, to reduce the risk of duplication, and to assist the cause of research grantsmanship generally. This information is collected from institutions, and it is the latter who take responsibility for obtaining whatever consents are necessary from the researchers involved. After approximately five years, this information is archived, but may be accessed to track patterns of historical evolution in research.
E. Information on research interests of the individuals associated with CASN, The listing of individuals with similar interests facilitates networking. It is CASN’s policy to obtain the consent of the individuals involved for that purpose. The information about a given individual’s research interests is not retained after that individual has ceased to be associated with CASN or has otherwise indicated that he/she is no longer interested in networking for that purpose.
F. Surveys of remuneration for nursing program Deans/Directors: CASN conducts these periodic surveys, with the written consent of the participants. Information is aggregated to protect the anonymity of the participants. After approximately five years, this information is archived, but may be accessed to track patterns of historical evolution while retaining anonymity.
G. Surveys of opinions of researchers and other opinion-leaders concerning nursing research in Canada. CASN conducts these periodic surveys, with the written consent of the participants. Completed surveys themselves are sent to a private consultant and the results do not reveal individual responses, and the researcher is contractually bound to destroy the evidence linking individuals with a given opinion, once the latter has been aggregated.
H. Conference and meeting registrations (contact information for attendees). This is used exclusively to assist check-in, unless participants also indicate (in writing) their interest in networking under (E) above.
I. Sales records contact and purchase information for those who have ordered products (e.g. publications) from CASN. This does not, however, include credit card information/records, as CASN does not accept credit card payment. It is retained for seven years in case it is needed for e.g. tax purposes.
J. Awards information, including testimonials and descriptions of qualifications: this information is used only for the purposes of the awards in question. Authorization for the use of same must be signed by the nominee. The names of certain individuals connected with the entrant may be contained in the entry forms themselves. This information is not retained after the issue of the award.
K. Minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors are available to the members. Members of the Board of Directors consent to having their statements/opinions disseminated in this way, when they join the Board.
L. The CASN office has personnel information concerning its own employees. This information is used exclusively for staffing/personnel purposes. It is retained for seven years in case it is needed for e.g., tax purposes.
CASN does not sell its list of institutional members to third parties. It does not share its list of institutional members with third parties, under the terms of the CASN Policy on Distribution of CASN Member School Contact Information, except on a one-time emergency basis as defined in that policy.
La mission de l’Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières (ACÉSI) est d’être un leader dans l’enseignement et l’avancement des sciences infirmières, dans l’intérêt d’une meilleure santé des Canadiennes et des Canadiens. L’ACÉSI est une association à but non lucratif; elle n’exerce aucune activité commerciale, de façon générale, et n’utilise pas non plus ses informations à des fins commerciales.
En outre,
Par conséquent, l’Association estime que les renseignements qu’elle détient ne sont pas des « renseignements personnels » au sens de la loi. Néanmoins, l’ACÉSI a officiellement adopté une politique de confidentialité parce qu’il pourrait arriver que des renseignements soient exceptionnellement considérés comme personnels et parce qu’elle souscrit au principe d’une gestion responsable. La version préliminaire de cette politique est énoncée ci-dessous.
Dans le cadre de ses programmes et services, l’ACÉSI collecte des données qui appuient l’enseignement, la recherche et l’avancement des connaissances en sciences infirmières, et ce, à des fins de planification, d’administration et d’établissement de prévisions ou de rapports.
L’ACÉSI recueille des données sur divers sujets, notamment le nombre des étudiants et des étudiantes, les effectifs des corps professoraux, les programmes offerts, leur contexte, les domaines de recherche et les liens internationaux. En outre, les coordonnées et les curriculum vitae de doyens et doyennes, de directeurs et directrices, de professeurs et professeures ainsi que de chercheurs et chercheuses sont parfois recueillis dans le cadre de projets spéciaux.
Toutes les données sont obtenues volontairement par l’intermédiaire des administrateurs des écoles ou de leurs mandataires respectifs. Elles sont rassemblées par programmes et par écoles. Seuls les renseignements concernant les chercheurs et chercheuses peuvent permettre d’identifier une personne, mais ils sont eux aussi soumis de façon volontaire.
Les données recueillies sur l’enseignement et l’avancement des connaissances en sciences infirmières sont publiques et elles figurent dans les rapports de projet, les fiches de renseignements, les bulletins de nouvelles et les sondages sur le Web. Tous les frais exigés par l’ACÉSI pour des rapports servent uniquement à recouvrer les coûts engagés.
Tous les renseignements personnels que l’ACÉSI recueille, qu’il s’agisse de « données brutes » ou d’éléments du dossier d’un employé, sont conservés au sein même de l’ACÉSI, dans des fichiers confidentiels dont l’accès est strictement réservé à la directrice, Base de données/analyste, et à la directrice des Services corporatifs. Des exemples des types de renseignements utilisés par l’ACÉSI sont donnés ci-dessous.
Voici les types de renseignements que l’ACÉSI collecte et utilise :
A. Coordonnées des personnes-ressources des établissements membres. Ces données servent uniquement pour les communications.
B. Répertoire (coordonnées) des membres du Conseil d’administration de l’ACÉSI et du Bureau de l’agrément (y compris sa banque d’évaluateurs éventuels pour l’agrément), des comités de l’ACÉSI et d’autres personnes qui représentent cette dernière auprès d’organismes à vocation spéciale ou dans le cadre d’affectations particulières.
C. Renseignements sur les attestations d’études des personnes désignées en B ci-dessus. Ces données permettent d’expliquer que ces personnes possèdent les qualités requises pour occuper les postes qui leur ont été respectivement confiés au sein de l’ACÉSI. L’ACÉSI a désormais pour politique d’obtenir à cet égard le consentement des candidats à ces postes. Ces données ne sont pas conservées une fois que les titulaires de ces postes cessent d’exercer leurs fonctions.
D. Renseignements sur les projets de recherche en sciences infirmières qui sont dirigés par des chercheurs et des chercheuses. Bien souvent, il s’agit du montant et de la source des subventions de recherche accordées aux projets. On diffuse ces données pour se soutenir mutuellement, réduire les risques de chevauchement et appuyer l’obtention de subventions de recherche en général. Ces renseignements sont obtenus auprès des établissements, qui doivent prendre la responsabilité d’obtenir tous les consentements nécessaires des chercheurs et chercheuses concernés. Après une période d’environ cinq ans, ces données sont archivées, mais il est possible d’y avoir accès dans le but de suivre les tendances de l’évolution historique en matière de recherche.
E. Renseignements sur les intérêts en recherche des personnes associées à l’ACÉSI. L’établissement de listes de chercheurs et chercheuses ayant des intérêts semblables facilite la création de réseaux. L’ACÉSI a pour politique d’obtenir le consentement des personnes concernées avant de dresser de telles listes. Les données concernant les intérêts d’un chercheur ou d’une chercheuse en particulier ne sont pas conservées une fois que celui-ci ou celle-ci a mis fin à son association avec l’ACÉSI ou a indiqué que le réseautage à cette fin ne l’intéressait plus.
F. Sondages sur la rémunération des doyens/directeurs des programmes de sciences infirmières. L’ACÉSI effectue périodiquement de tels sondages, après avoir obtenu le consentement écrit des participants. Les données recueillies sont groupées pour protéger l’anonymat de ces derniers. Après une période d’environ cinq ans, ces renseignements sont archivés, mais il est possible d’y avoir accès pour suivre les tendances de l’évolution historique tout en en conservant le caractère anonyme des données.
G. Sondages d’opinions auprès de chercheurs et chercheuses et d’autres leaders d’opinionconcernant la recherche en sciences infirmières au Canada. L’ACÉSI mène périodiquement de tels sondages, après avoir obtenu le consentement écrit des participants. Une fois les sondages terminés, les données recueillies sont transmises à une entreprise privée d’experts-conseils et les résultats obtenus ne révèlent aucune réponse individuelle; de plus, après que les données ont été rassemblées, le chercheur est tenu, par contrat, de détruire tout élément permettant d’établir un lien entre des personnes et des opinions.
H. Inscriptions à des conférences et à des réunions (coordonnées des participants). Ces renseignements sont utilisés exclusivement pour faciliter le processus d’inscription, sauf si les participants ont aussi manifesté (par écrit) leur intérêt pour le réseautage mentionné en E ci-dessus.
I. Registres des ventes. Il s’agit des coordonnées des personnes qui ont commandé des produits (p. ex. des publications) et de la nature de leurs achats. Ces renseignements ne comprennent cependant pas de données/relevés de cartes de crédit, puisque l’ACÉSI n’accepte pas ce mode de paiement. Ces renseignements sont conservés pendant sept ans au cas où il faudrait s’en servir, notamment à des fins fiscales.
J. Renseignements recueillis dans le cadre de mises en candidature pour des prix, notamment des témoignages et des descriptions de titres et de qualités. Ces données sont utilisées uniquement pour les besoins de l’événement en question et il est obligatoire d’obtenir une autorisation écrite des candidats pour les utiliser. Les noms de certaines personnes ayant des liens avec les candidats figurent parfois sur les formulaires d’inscription. Ces renseignements ne sont pas conservés après la remise des prix.
K. Procès-verbaux des réunions du Conseil d’administration, à la disposition de l’ensemble des membres. Les membres du Conseil d’administration consentent, au moment de leur nomination, à ce que leurs déclarations/opinions soient diffusées de cette façon.
L. Le bureau de l’ACÉSI détient des renseignements personnels sur ses employés. Ces données sont utilisées exclusivement dans le cadre des activités de dotation et de gestion du personnel. Elles sont conservées pendant sept ans au cas où il faudrait s’en servir, notamment à des fins fiscales.
L’ACÉSI ne vend pas la liste de ses établissements membres à des tiers. Elle ne l’échange pas non plus avec des tiers, conformément aux directives énoncées dans sa Politique sur la diffusion des coordonnées des personnes-ressources des écoles membres de l’ACÉSI (CASN Policy on Distribution of CASN Member School Contact Information), sauf s’il s’agit d’une situation d’urgence décrite dans ce document.
CASN reserves the right to cancel this event and any group activity that does not meet minimal group requirements. Non-refundable airline tickets are the responsibility of the registrant.
By completing purchases with us you agree to have your Credit card and personal information securely stored as part of a payment profile within a 3rd party payment gateway. This securely stored payment profile will be used, when authorized, for automated recurring payments and will allow for easier and faster checkouts. No credit card information is stored within Member365 and all payment data is accessed by way of a secure API. Under no circumstances do we share credit card or personal details.
Who can access the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières member portal?
Please note that the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières member portal is to be used by members of Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières only. Certain workspaces within the member portal will be tailored for and restricted to certain membership types; access to these areas will be determined and approved by Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières staff. The Content that is displayed in your member portal will automatically vary based on your user / membership type.
What can be posted?
To ensure all interactions within the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières member portal are safe and friendly, Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières staff will oversee the member portal activity and will review, edit, and delete any inappropriate content that has been submitted. This includes abusive or offensive language, spam, malicious files, or other disrespectful contact. To help provide a productive environment, please report any offensive or suspicious activity to Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières staff. Please note that not all user-submitted content is representative of Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières, nor does it necessarily represent the views of Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing / Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières, its staff or members.